Carroll County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is always looking for new members.

Emergency Communications is a part of the service amateur radio operators return for the allocation of radio frequencies to our hobby, and ARES is one of the several ways to serve. ARES is intended to be a resource for:


  • Hospitals
  • Local, Regional, and State Agencies
  • National Weather Service (SKYWARN)
  • Other NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations)
  • Community Events
Membership is free, requiring only that you fill out a membership application and mail it to Brian Keahl, 925 Old Draketown Trail, Temple, GA 30179.
While ARES is happy to have untrained Amateur Radio Operators as members, we also encourage them to take some basic FEMA courses, ARRL courses, and participate in our weekly training nets and activities.  However, the additional training activities are voluntary and optional - although served entities often require members to have some of the training for deployment.

I hope you'll take the time to join us on our weekly net, on the N4FWD repeater (146.640-131.8) on Thursdays at 8:00PM.


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